Scripture: “I will lift my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Ps 121:1, 2 NASB
David looked to the mountains to see where his help might come from. Where do you look for your rescuer?
When I was young, I used to watch a lot of Western movies. Back then movies included cowboys, Indians, villainous robbers and dreaded shootouts in the streets. Of course that was exciting to watch as a boy. In those movies, if a wagon train got in trouble on the frontier, they always looked over the horizon for their saviors. Who were they? The U.S. Cavalry, of course.
One Army Major I knew, not a strong Christian, interpreted today’s Bible verse as David really looking for the cavalry of his day, his warriors, to protect him. The Major missed the spiritual lesson, looking only at this physical world and not the spiritual realm.
David starts the Psalm with a physical condition we can relate to, looking for help, like looking for the cavalry in our lives to rescue us, but then he transitions to the spiritual and points out that it is the Lord of the universe who will really rescue him. God will protect him. David lists many ways God will show his protection, from small ones like a foot slipping to overarching problems such as all the evil that comes against us. The Lord guards our souls. And He’s a 24/7 God – He doesn’t sleep. You can call on Him anytime.
So if you’ve got a problem, you can tell Him. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Talk with God. Search His word. Talk with a chaplain, pastor or friend. Ask for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes. God will protect your spirit from anything.
He is always available to help.