Can You Give Too Much?

“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over.” Luke 6:38

Treasure in handCan you give too much?

The Bible speaks about generous giving, time, talent, treasures. When the woman gave two mites, all that she had in the world, Jesus commended her actions over all the others who gave out of their abundance.

Consider this. I once attended a concert by a famous piano player, Dino. He played beautifully, masterfully, yet he complained throughout the concert about being tired and worn out. The first few times he mentioned his weariness, it was a matter of concern, but by the end of the concert, the constant repetition of his woes was a great annoyance. His mood ruined the treasure of superb music he offered us. Perhaps he wasn’t feeling well?

To me, the lesson learned from Dino’s life was that life must be well balanced. That doesn’t mean from time to time the waves of life won’t become monstrous tidal waves, carrying you away in their surges until you can find a quiet eddy to recoup. It does mean that your daily life should allow you to give to others (work, play, rest or other activities) in such a way that it blesses them and you still have reserves of energy and stamina to be joyful and graceful in all that you do.

Give all of yourself to God. Don’t hold anything back. And be generous to others around you, especially your family – they are God’s gift to you. Then pursue what God has called you to do with passion and excellence. Give generously of your time, talents and treasure. You will not be disappointed with the results.

Photograph © Jyothi | Dreamstime Stock Photos

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